We Can Admit It... We're Winos.

Get Extra Cash Back On Every Order & Huge Benefits When You Join TODAY!

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All the Splash Wine, None of the Wino Benefits

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Annual $25 Splash Cash


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2x Splash Cash Events


**Excludes 3rd Party Offers

Adult Signature Fee


Cash Back


Satisfaction G.

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Auto Renew


Annual Splash Cash


Exclusive Offers


** Excludes 3rd Party Offers



One Small Annual Fee, Tons of Wino Benefits

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Adult Signature Fee


Cash Back


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Annual Splash Cash


Exclusive Offers


** Excludes 3rd Party Offers

Adult Signature Fee


Cash Back


Satisfaction Guarantee

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Auto Renew

Annual $25 Splash Cash


Exclusive Offer


2x Splash Cash Events


**Excludes 3rd Party Offers


9 Spots Available

One time payment.Valid forever.

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Adult Signature Fee


Cash Back


Satisfaction G.

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Annual Splash Cash

Exclusive Offers

** Excludes 3rd Party Offers

Adult Signature Fee


Cash Back


Satisfaction Guaranteed

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Lifetime Membership

Auto Renew

One-time Payment

Annual $25 Splash Cash

Exclusive Offer

2x Splash Cash Events

**Excludes 3rd Party Offers

Basic Account


All the Splash Wine

None of the Wino Benefits



One Small Annual Fee

Tons of Wino Benefits


9 Spots Available

Adult Signature Fee




Cash Back




Satisfaction Guarantee

Cancel Anytime


Lifetime Membership

Auto Renew


One-Time Payment

Annual $25 Splash Cash



Exclusive Offers



2x Splash Cash Events




** Excludes 3rd Party Offers

Why Become a Wino or a Founder? 

The answer is obvious - because you love wine. We get it, we love wine too. We're proud to call ourselves winos and we are thinking you'll want to join us. That's because we add a whole lot of benefits to our already outstanding prices for our Splash Winos and Founders. First and foremost, you'll never pay for shipping or an Adult Signature Fee again, except for third party offers like Groupon. Secondly, you'll receive cash back on each and every purchase, which is like getting free wine in your cellar. Splash Winos will receive special offers weekly, while Splash Founders will also get exclusive deals that you can't get anywhere else. Throw all of this on top of our industry leading and transparent pricing, our fanatical devotion to excellent customer service and the exceptional wine selection and you'll want to be a part of Splash for life!

Price Transparency 

Wine is famous for its high markup, in excess of 60%. At Splash, we deliver wine to your door at a maximum of 15% above our cost. No one else does that.


No high handling and delivery charges—Selling only 15+ bottle cases allows us to give our members absolutely free shipping

Satisfaction Guaranteed

If our wines don’t meet your expectations, no hoops to jump through, just let us know. Your word is good enough for us.